Archive for the ‘photography’ Category

Calla Lilies in the Pond

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Calla Lilies in the Kelley House Pond
I was rummaging through some photos from last year, and I stumbled across this shot of a bunch of Calla lilies growing up out of the water in the pond at Kelley House Museum in Mendocino. The Kelley House pond was built by William Kelly in the 1850s for his kids. In recent years, the water level has been low because of lack of rain. We’ve been catching up on our rain the last couple of years, though, and the pond is full for the resident geese. I love the blue gradient in the background—this is reflected sky, not Photoshop.

My Guidebook was #7 seller in 2009!

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Front Cover of Mendocino OutdoorsFront Cover of Mendocino Outdoors, now in its third edition.I found out the other day that my guidebook, Mendocino Outdoors, was the #7 top-selling book for 2009 at Gallery Bookshop, our most excellent local bookstore. Gallery Books sells a lot of books about the local area, and I’m proud to see that my book is one of the top sellers. You can check out some excerpts from the book here, and you can even buy it via PayPal.
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